
Here you can find all our features

At OneTrack we don’t believe in secondary technologies. That’s why we developed new and advanced tools to optimize your tracking experience.


Precisely shows you which ad is performing and which not. A game changer.


Up to 2 years attribution window

Forget attribution windows of 24 hours or a maximum of 28 days. With OneTrack you’re able to track and attribute all of your data to a timeframe of up to two years.
a picture with effectiveness

OneTrack AI attribution modeling

Use machine learning to analyze user behaviour outside and inside the web.

Attribution models by choice

Customized tracking and attribution models in no time.
In the First Click attribution model, the first touchpoint would receive 100% of the credit for the sale.
In the Last Click attribution model, the last touchpoint would receive 100% of the credit for the sale.
In the Linear attribution model, each touchpoint in the conversion path would share equal credit (20% each) for the sale.
In the Time Decay attribution model, the touchpoints closest in time to the sale or conversion get most of the credit while the rest gets less credit the further it’s in the past.
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In the Progressive attribution model, the touchpoints closest in time to the first click get most of the credit while the rest gets less credit the closer it is to the conversion or sale.
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In the U-Shaped attribution model, 40% credit is assigned to each the first and last interaction, and the remaining 20% credit is distributed evenly to the middle interactions.
Want to learn more?

Talk to one of our experts or book your free demo today!

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