
Here you can find all our features

At OneTrack we don’t believe in secondary technologies. That’s why we developed new and advanced tools to optimize your tracking experience.


Ensures that you collect the most possible data from all of your clients. Everytime.


Server side tracking/server to server

With OneTrack you don’t have to rely on tracking in a third party context anymore. We provide you with your own OneTrack server and an advanced server side tracking method.

Accurately track up to 91% of user data

Compared to other platforms OneTrack is able to capture up to 3x more customer data:

OneTrack advanced fingerprinting

OneTrack advanced fingerprinting assignes a unique fingerprint to every visitor of your page so that you’re able to track your customers more accurately.

Device Fingerprinting

Experience heightened security using device fingerprinting. We capture unique device attributes, creating a secure digital ID for your protection and seamless user experience.

User Privacy

We respect your privacy. GDPR compliant, we anonymize and encrypt your data, including one-way hashing. Your consent guides our data handling, putting your privacy first.


Phone sales tracking via CRM

With OneTrack you’re able to track all of your phone sales made via your CRM.


OneTrack simplifies setting call tracking, helping you refine your strategies and maximize success.

Closing call

Analyze your closing call events to optimize your sales tactics, boosting your closing rates and revenues.

Purchase via phone

Track purchases efficiently across any CRM. Gain new insights to optimize revenue for growth.


Advanced e-mail tracking

With OneTrack you can accurately track who opened your e-mail campaign, who actually read it, who clicked and who also bought. This makes your retargeting process a lot easier.

Opened Mail

Track when recipients open your emails to optimize timing for higher engagement.

Read Mail

Understand how long recipients read your emails to tailor content that keeps them engaged.

Clicked Link

Identify which topics and links resonate with your audience, boosting click-through rates.

Visited Shop

Trace email clicks to website visits and use this knowledge to refine your marketing strategy.

Bought Product

Measure email-driven purchases, improving your ROI and sales growth.


Custom tracking code

At OneTrack we don’t provide you with a simple plug and play solution. Instead, the tracking of every single customer is customized to their individual needs.
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services at onetrack
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